Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Galaxy S3 Mini Confirmed by Samsung Chief

All the guesses and rumors about Galaxy S3 mini turns out to be true. Translated from Korean news site iNews24, Samsung's head of communications JK Shin is quoted as saying "there is a demand for 4-inch Galaxy SIII in the European market". This puts an end to all the speculations. According to Shin, the new addition to Samsung's flagship device will be unveiled during the October 11 press events which we have received news earlier.

With this speculation now confirmed, the next question will be what kind of specification would the new Galaxy S3 mini come with. If the 4 inch screen size turns out to be true (remember that nothing is final until it is final), it will really be interesting how it is going to fare. This means that Samsung has gone all out in full-force in trying to kill off iPhone. With the new addition, Samsung's line up of smartphone would be complete. It would have S3 mini going toe-to-toe with Apple's iPhone 5. Moving up one class weight, there is the 4.8 inch Galaxy S3. To cap it all is the giant 5.5 inch phablet known as Galaxy Note 2. This would intensify the pressure and competition on Apple. Could iPhone 5 beat the 3 Galaxies? It is a question that I believe many pundits would be asking. More interestingly, just what kind of strategy that Apple is going to come up with this time round? Looking at Samsung's aggressiveness, I start to understand why Apple launched the biggest patent war in our history.

48 hours away, we get to find out the answer to two of the biggest mystery. First, we will soon find out if Apple's invitation for much rumored iPad mini or iPad air will indeed come true. Second, we will find out just what kind of power Samsung is going to throw in for its 'little' Galaxy addition.

1 comment:

  1. hey.. do you have any guess or idea when S3 mini will be released in Singapore?
